Andrea Tropeano
Wonderful night last night! Loved the speeches it was so uplifting and a true reminder what a great country we live in we won’t let the Democrats take it away from us vote Trump November 3rd
Jean Richards
And what a wonderful and inspiring message he left with us!! I pray God’s blessing in him and president that they will be able to finish what I believe God sent them there to do!! Go to the polls and vote RED for we do not want a communist nation!.
Great speech. Our President and Vice President are awesome. Can't wait for another 4 years.
I appreceated his speech immensely. Since the President and Mrs.Trump arrived as a surprise ( so glad he allowed our VP to SHINE) I want to know the facts about whether or not the attendees were COVID tested. I felt uncomfortable about my President and First Lady being so close to those unmasked folks.
I thoroughly enjoyed his speech he does have love and compassion for our country and he will support President Trump as I will.
His speech was wonderful. He has done a wonderful job as VP. This Indiana native is a true blessing to America.
No one should be serving the.president, they should be serving the people... That's what government is commissioned to SERVE the people of not themselves as we see now...
Pence was a life size puppet making a speech. It was a special edition of the Muppet Show.
Compare his record in government to that thing running with Biden. Not even in the same league!!
Mike Pence, is popular more than harris, women want VP Pence, in oval office.
Pence may have had “heart and compassion “ before he sold his soul to Trump. May God forgive him
*Trumpism* has all the trappings of a cult somewhat akin to the blind allegiance to the Beast. One can almost hear the unthinking moan "Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?" (Rev 13:4). Much like 'that old serpent' *Trumpism* wants to own you.
Nothing but a strange reality show for 3 days. This is not what America is that's for sure. We don't have Kings in this country and that sure is what he wants to be. Not going to happen
I was moved by the disabled veterans making the effort to stand for our anthem. I hope all the overpaid elite athletes were watching and took note.
Fox needs to get a grip. We're not tuning in the convention to hear what Donna Brazile, Juan Williams & Chris Wallace have to say. Had to watch
No Death Recorded as Massive Earthquake Hits the Coast of Alaska. -Span all week.
He spoke with passion, love, sincerity. His speech was so perfect. You could feel his compassion for Covid victims and famiiies and for those in the path of Laura.
The mood was intense, the love felt for all of the heroes in the audience, purple heart recipients, and
And his sterling work on the Coronavirus Task Force speaks for itself.
Mike Pence is a class act. He cares about the kids. He cares about the people. He cares about the country. That is better than the Democrats. All they care about is power.
Very proud of Mike Pence for putting faith, family, and service to his country a priority in his life and in that order!.
Trump/Pence are doing a great job! To bad that the Democrats can’t do their job for our people and country!They are getting paid for destroying our country and lives!! They are only interested in money and power and corruption!!
How about, "He has loyally worked alongside the president and has served our country with tremendous focus and effectiveness".
Has it occurred to anybody that when you have to keep saying over and over that people care, maybe they really don’t care...
Our VP is such a kind man, such a nice man, such a compassionate human being, who would never insult or say anything bad about anyone. And what a nice family he has. He is a gentleman. On the other hand we saw Cruella, how nasty and unpleasant she could be. Nothing good about her!
Such a kind man who loves Jesus Christ and this beautiful Country, we are so blessed to have two strong men that want to work for the people of our Country with freedom and prosperity their are what is best for all of us. What an amazing speach
Such a dedicated Christian leader! A rare breed! His love and compassion for America comes through in his words and most importantly his actions. God Bless VP Pence! Prayers!
Boy I bet Juan Williams and Chris Wallace are up set the RNC has blown the DNC out of the water your polls are going to show you that the American people are in fact not gullible and are aware that the Democrats are corrupt and lies that is all they do is lie and blame others and push the racist card to try to get votes there toxic to America
Mike Pence will be a forgotten Vice President in less than three months and will probably live in obscurity his remaining days on this earth. His legacy will be forever tied to the most corrupt administration ever to hold office in executive branch of the United States